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Gawai Dayak Festival
June 1 -2, 2013

Gawai Dayak is a harvest festival celebrated by the state's indigenous people, particularly the Ibans and Bidayuhs, in their traditional costumes. Ceremonial offerings of various local traditional delicacies and 'tuak' (home-made rice wine) are made to the gods of rice and prosperity. This unique festivity is a 'must-see' occasion for local and foreign tourists alike.
Phone: +6082 423 600
Fax: +6082 416 700
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Website: www.sarawaktourism.com

KK Jazz Festival
June 14-15, 2013
The sixth installation of this musical festival promises to be another ground breaking experience with a great line-up of local and international artistes. This fund raising event will support various community projects in Sabah.

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Phone: +6019-853-9922
Website: http://www.sabahtourism.com/sabah-malaysian-borneo/en/

Sabah Dragon Boat Race
June 15-16, 2013
A traditional Chinese event that evolved from myths and legends that has grown into one of the main highlights of the year. This exciting race has attracted many teams from as far as Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, China, Singapore and Brunei.
Likas Bay
Kota Kinabalu
Phone: 088-232 121 / 260 431

Rainforest World Music Festival
June 28-30, 2013

Tap to the rhythm of diverse ethnic music amidst the magnificent rainforest of Sarawak. One of the largest musical events in Malaysia, the Rainforest World Music Festival aims to celebrate 'world music' with performances by ethnic musicians from around the world.
Sarawak Cultural Village
Kuching, Sarawak
Phone: +6082 423 600
Website: http://rwmf.net/

1Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival
June 29 - Sept 1 2013

Shop, Eat and Celebrate! The 1Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival 2013 is all set to woo shoppers with a string of promotions and tempting discounts. So look within and beyond shopping malls this year and experience a wholesome shopping spree.
Throughout Malaysia
Phone: +603 8891 8000

Pahang International Bird Race
June 21-23, 2013

Fraser’s Hill is hailed as a world-class birdwatching destination in the region as it is home to about 247 species of birds. The bird race is an excellent opportunity for locals and tourists alike to view a variety of migratory and montane birds, which are very different from those in the lowland forest. Birders can view species from as far as Northern Siberia and the islands north of Japan. Be part of this international event!
Fraser's Hill, Raub
Phone: +609-516 1007
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Website: www.pkbf.org.my