
Fabulous Food 1Malaysia - ASEAN Food Heritage Trail
1 November 2010 Until 30 November 2010

Malaysia's cultural diversity lends a unique flavour to its culinary offerings.
Its multi-racial landscape means that all the flavours of Asia can easily be found here. Take your pick from traditional Malay, Chinese, Indian and other ASEAN offerings to indulge in, or tantalise your tastebuds with a variety of international and fusion delights. This event is a great way to get acquainted with Malaysia's rich cultural heritage.

Venue: Throughout Malaysia

Phone: 03-2693 7111
Fax: 03-2691 3358
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Website: www.motour.gov.my


5 November 2010 Until 5 November 2010

Deepavali or the 'Festival of Lights' is celebrated by Hindus with prayers, family gatherings and festivities. Open houses are held where family and friends visit each other and enjoy delicious traditional goodies. (except Labuan and Sarawak).

Venue: ALL

Putrajaya Water Ski World Cup - Malaysia Stop

5 November 2010 Until 7 November 2010

Enjoy the thrill of water sports in this great championship! This event tests the skills of contestants as they balance themselves and perform impressive moves, while being cheered by an enthusiastic crowd!

Venue: Putrajaya

Phone: 03-8887 7000
Fax: 03-8887 5000
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Website: www.ppj.gov.my

Sultan's Cup Terengganu Endurance Challenge

5 November 2010 Until 7 November 2010

Under the royal patronage of the Sultan of Terengganu, this event tests the endurance of competing horses in various categories. Watch excellent horsemanship from experienced riders and trainers. The event will also showcase the beauty of Malaysia's hinterland.

Venue: International Endurance Park,
Lembah Bidong, Setiu

Phone: 09-626 2946 / 4946
Fax: 09-626 1946

Deepavali Open House Celebration

13 November 2010 Until 13 November 2010

Celebrate the Festival of Lights with the locals! Savour an array of traditional food and be delighted by the cultural dances and musical performances. It's going to be a day filled with joy and merrymaking!

Venue: Ipoh

Phone: 03-2612 7600
Fax: 03-2697 4081
Website: www.kpkk.gov.my

Rememberance Day

14 November 2010 Until 14 November 2010

A poignant event held yearly at the Labuan Commonwealth War Cemetery to remember the courageous men who died during the war.

Venue: Labuan
Phone: +6(087) - 422 622
Fax: +6(087) - 419 622

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Hari Raya Aidiladha

17 November 2010 Until 17 November 2010

Commonly known as Hari Raya Haji, this festival marks the culmination of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mekah which is performed by millions of Muslims annually. It is also known as Hari Raya Qurban. Muslims in the country celebrate the festival with prayers and the sacrifice of cattle.

Venue: Throughout Malaysia

Raja Muda Selangor International Regatta

19 November 2010 Until 27 November 2010

A prestigious event on the sailing fraternity, this regatta is held under the royal patronage of the Sultan of Selangor. It has been an annual feature since 1996 and draws participants from various parts of the world including Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Singapore.

Venue: Selangor

Phone: 03-3168 6964
Fax: 03-3168 8650
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Website: www.rsyc.com.my

Malaysia Year-End Sale (M-YES)

20 November 2010 Until 2 January 2011

The Year-End Sale is back with great discounts! The season is awaited eagerly by Malaysians and visitors alike for the unbelievable discounts, bargains and promotions. Load your shopping carts with gifts, souvenirs, branded items and everything else you need for the year-end festive season!
Venue: Throughout Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur

Phone: 03-2615 8188
Fax: 03-2692 2953
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Website: www.tourism.gov.my

Monsoon Cup

30 November 2010 Until 5 December 2010

A prestigious competition, the Monsoon Cup Terengganu is dubbed as the 'Formula One of Sailing'. Locals and foreign tourists will find a range of interesting programmes held to coincide with the competition, including displays of Terengganu's splendid arts and heritage.
Venue: Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terengganu

Phone: 03-8871 3333
Fax: 03-8888 8770
Website: www.kbs.gov.my