Want to enjoy a fantastic and luxurious vacation, but don't want to break the bank?
Come visit Malaysia!

In today's world, the US economic slump, rising gas prices and weakened dollar
makes it difficult for anyone outside of the 'ultra-rich' crowd to travel, and travel
in comfort.

However, as the US dollar is still strong against the Malaysian Ringgit (approximately
3.2 MYR to 1 USD), and prices in this exotic Southeast Asian country are very
cost-efficient, there's no better time than now to check out Malaysia's wonders
for yourself.

In Malaysia, most 4- and 5-star hotels prices start at only USD$100-$200 a
night. Even during peak travel season, visitors can book a luxury room in the
capital city of Kuala Lumpur at 5-star properties like the Hotel Maya KL (starting
at USD$128/night), Le Meridien KL (starting at USD$144/night), and the
Mandarin Oriental KL (starting at USD$191/night).

When it comes to shopping, you can't get much better than Malaysia. Visitors
can enjoy shopping for international brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Coach or
luxury brands within the country at any one of Malaysia's numerous upscale
malls. The annual Malaysian Mega Sale Carnival, which takes place in 2008
from June 16 - Sept 2, offers special promotions and discounts on a wide
variety of items nationwide. The Mega Sale Carnival is the largest of Malaysia's
three major annual sales (the other two being the Malaysian GP Sale and the
Year End Sales Carnival).

For visitors looking for a bit of a different twist in their shopping experience, each of
Malaysia's major cities offers an assortment of different local shopping
destinations. These locations typically handicrafts or goods made in Malaysia,
perfect for those travelers looking to take home interesting souvenirs. Part of
the fun at these shopping complexes, streets or centers is haggling over prices
-- a novel activity often practiced throughout Asia. Seller and buyer debate over
item prices until an agreement can be made (for foreign travelers, typically
prices should be brought down to 1/2 or 1/3 of the original asking price named
by the seller). Seasoned hagglers can get outrageously low prices for items,
walking away with bags and handicrafts for a few US dollars. Trick of the trade?
Offer to purchase multiple items from the same seller to bring down the price.

The delicious thing about traveling through Malaysia is that travelers can indulge
their taste buds with a veritable plethora of different cuisine, both traditional
and fusion, on just a few dollars. This is particularly true at Malaysia's famous
'hawker' stalls, where travelers can purchase fresh curry puffs, satays, and
other yummy small eats for less than a dollar.

For more information on how to get the most value for your dollar in Malaysia, please
don't hesitate to contact your local Tourism Malaysia office.


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