What are experts and visitors saying about Malaysia?

"Malaysia is one of the most pleasant, hassle-free countries to visit in Southeast Asia. Aside from its gleaming 21st century glass towers, it boasts some of the most superb beaches, mountains and national parks in the region"

Source: Eileen Ng, Associated Press

"Everything went GREAT on our trip to Malaysia! We had absolutely no problems and had an awesome time. In fact, we want to go back again some time. I didn't know Malaysia was a tourism hot spot for other countries in the world. There were a lot of people from India, China, Australia, South Africa, Germany, etc. and everyone speaks English! You normally don't hear Americans saying 'Let's go to Malaysia' for their vacation, but I will help spread the word now. It was truly a wonderful opportunity that we were fortunate enough to experience, and we couldn't have done it without your help. I never dreamed that everything would have gone so smoothly! Once again, thank you very much."

-- Teresa Harris, Winner of the Rachael Ray TV Show Malaysia Trip Giveaway

"Malaysia is a land still rich in natural resources and has largely been spared the natural disasters that plague its neighbors...an economy strong enough to withstand events like the 1998 economic meltdown that pummeled most other countries in the region, Malaysians have achieve an enviable standard of living."

Source: Simon Elegant, Travel and Leisure Magazine, August 2006

"Langkawi is Asia's next great island paradise...think of it as a cross between Bali and Phuket - minus 50 years of overdevelopment."

Source: Chicago Social Modern Luxury

"KL is a jet-setter magnet, an international stew of culture and class, of expatriates and natives, of Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists, of Prada and Ferraris...it's fast, wild, delicious -- and cheap."

Source: Riviera Magazine

"As I admitted last week, I was a bit nervous coming here. For starters, some of my Fox News Channel-loving friends put the fear of God in me when they said I was crazy to travel here. They made me think I would be killed in an anti-American rally, or framed - then hung - for smuggling drugs. This was on top of all my others concerns: How would my asthma hold up in the pollution? Were there huge poisonous snakes? And would I contract malaria or other diseases because I did not take the vaccinations my doctor recommended? (Huge sigh.) Obviously, the media plays a huge role in these perceptions, although frankly, I did not see any Malaysia commercials or magazine advertising until recently. I understand that in the past Malaysia has not been the most welcoming country. But that's no longer true -- and as you will see over the next few weeks (with lots of pictures and videos), Malaysia is a fantastic, safe country to visit."

Read Johnny Jet's full account of his trip to Malaysia at the following links: Flying into Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1, Kuala Lumpur 2, Tanjong Jara Resort, Pangkor, Cameron Highlands

-- "Malaysia is amazing. I'm sure I'm a little biased since I lived there for a year but it is simply amazing. Malaysia has a special place in my heart and I can't wait to return. For vacationers, there tons of stuff do, buy, and see and english is widely spoken so communication is a breeze. Make sure you bone up on Islamic culture since Msia is a Muslim country. But don't let that throw you--Malaysia is known as the "modern face of Islam." You will never feel unsafe. Lastly, THE FOOD. The best food on the rock of Earth is in Malaysia. Blends of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, and Indonesian flavors make the cuisine of Malaysia unbeatable. Do as the locals and sit in at mamak stall and enjoy Roti Canai and curry with a steaming cup of Teh Tarik. Hopefully you'll fall in love with KL and Malaysia like I did. I has become a part of me."

-- "KL people is friendly especially the Malays. The food ...absolutely excellent with Chinese, Malay, Indian and western food. Malaysian live to eat because they eat all the time and you can see them eat anywhere in the city ._. so there are a lots of 24hours restaurants.There are 3 main races live together in KL and Malaysia. Do u like to shopping? if you say: Yes,...that's the right place for you to spend your money from cheapest to luxury goods. Anyway,i love KL and hope you guy will find the best of KL by yourself.Opps..a small thing is :traffic jam is often during the day time,but who care about such thing,enjoy and ...relax"

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